Beach Cabana Dynamic Duos™ Stenciled Cookie

Beach Cabana Dynamic Duos™ Stenciled Cookie

We’re in the hottest dog days of summer here in Missouri, so I thought it would be apropos to show you a “cool” (pun intended) layered beach cookie, made with my recently released “Beach Cabana” Dynamic Duos™ stencil sets! So . . . that’s the subject of this video!

These sets were inspired by the many ramshackle lobster huts and boathouses that dot the shoreline of mid-coast Maine, my home away from home. They may be a little weathered and far from perfect, but they recall lazy summers spent far from any care in the world, in a place that is as close to heaven as one can get!

As in my previous bakery-themed set covered in a recent video, I use a lot of handmade embellishments on top of these cookies to give them extra dimension, but, in this case, all of them – beach ball, surfboards, umbrella, and so on – are made with the very same stencils in these sets. Each of these embellishments is super easy to do, so I also include a brief sideline about how to make them in this video. Enjoy!

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